2018 Virginia Tech Science Festival Nutshell Games (Ages 11 & Up):

Date: October 27, 2018
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
Venue: Moss Arts Center at Virginia Tech
Description: The Center for Communicating Science at Virginia Tech presents the 3rd Annual Nutshell Games as part of the Virginia Tech Science Festival at the Moss Arts Center on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

Where can you learn about 30 research projects in 45 minutes?

The Nutshell Games is a contest in which selected Virginia Tech graduate students compete for cash prizes as they are given 90 seconds to present their research. Three winners, determined by a panel of judges to have been the most engaging and to have communicated their research the most clearly, will each receive a $500.00 prize. The winner is the person who can most clearly explain their work in an entertaining manner, as determined by a panel of judges, one of whom is a middle school student.

Presenters this year include graduate students from a wide variety of research fields, including biomedical engineering, urban affairs and planning, plant and environmental sciences, industrial and systems engineering, arts leadership, geosciences, biology, psychology, nutrition, rhetoric and writing, and many more.

With an emphasis on communicating to non-scientists, the Nutshell Games will be judged this year by a panel of six people from both on and off campus.

Admission is free and the event is open to the public and is intended for ages 11 and above.

The main festival is from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. For more information on the main festival, visit: http://www.nextthreedays.com/FeaturedEventDetails.cfm?E=488731.

Parking will be free at Virginia Tech's North End Center parking deck and other campus locations.

To view the event flyer, visit: https://i.imgur.com/ljDZ5QV.jpg.

For more information, visit: https://communicatingscience.isce.vt.edu/Announcements.html or http://www.cpe.vt.edu/sciencefestival/index.html or https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2018/10/Science-Virginiatech_science_festival_2018preview.html or https://communicatingscience.isce.vt.edu/ or https://www.facebook.com/VTSciFest/.