Venue: Palisades Restaurant, Eggleston
Organizations: Attic Static
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM
Event Types: Music
Cost: Free
Palisades Restaurant continues their monthly Wild Card Wednesdays with Attic Static in concert on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Attic Static is a triple shot of guitar-charged roots, rock, soul, pop and blues based in Blacksburg, VA. Featuring Lee Worley, Bobby Parker and Sid Bingley on electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums and vocals. You'll hear familiar favorites, but surprises lurk around every corner.
The Palisades Restaurant is located at 168 Village Street in Eggleston, VA.
For more information, visit: or or or call 540-626-2828.
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