Saturday Live Music with Jimothy
Venue: BT's Restaurant, Radford
Organizations: Jimothy
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM
Event Types: Music
Cost: Free
BT's Restaurant presents Saturday Live Music with Jimothy on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Jimothy is a multi-genre band based around the solo work of singer and guitarist Jim Bohon based in the New River Valley region of Virginia. Jim is a multi-instrumentalist, and performed all instrumentation and vocals on the band's debut album "Never In A Million Years," before fleshing out a full band when the album proved to be popular among local audiences. Jimothy love what they do, and it shines through in their performance, no matter the event or venue.


There is no cover charge.

BT's Restaurant is located at 218 Tyler Avenue in Radford, VA.

For more information, visit: or or or call 540-639-1282.
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