Sky Dolphin in Concert
Venue: Dogtown Roadhouse, Floyd
Organizations: Sky Dolphin
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2024
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM
Event Types: Music
Cost: Free
Dogtown Roadhouse presents Sky Dolphin in concert on Saturday, November 30, 2024.

Sky Dolphin is a powerhouse trio from Roanoke, VA that is a collaboration between some of Roanoke’s finest and most versatile musicians. With a focus on improvisational inspiration, Sky Dolphin effortlessly combines aspects of music from 1920 up to 2024.

Powerhouse vocals from Charissa Joy will have you singing along, Brian McKee’s impeccable percussion playing will have you grooving, and Seph Custer’s instrumental versatility will leave you questioning where genres intersect one another.


Dogtown Roadhouse is located at 302 South Locust Street in Floyd, VA.

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For more information, visit: or or or call 540-745-6836.
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