Lilly Potts and Aaron Geller in Concert:

Date: October 04, 2024
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Venue: Rising Silo Farm Brewery
Organizations: Aaron Geller, Lilly Potts
Description: Rising Silo Farm Brewery presents Lilly Potts and Aaron Geller in concert on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Lilly Potts is a Blacksburg, VA based musician performing both covers and originals and playing acoustic guitar in a variety of genres including Jazz and pop.


Aaron Geller is a blues singer and guitarist, member of The Blues Co. and a Virginia Tech chemistry professor.

Rising Silo Farm Brewery is located at 2351 Glade Road in Blacksburg, VA.

For more information, visit: or or or call 540-750-0796.