General Business Meeting & Work Session (Now Online)
Venue: Hacksburg, Blacksburg
Directions: Google Map Link
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Event Types: Miscellaneous
Cost: Free
Hacksburg presents their General Business Meeting and Work Session every Tuesday, now online, starting at 7:00 pm.
Hacksburg meetings are now held on our own videoconfrencing server, and the URL for our Tuesday meetings is If attendees have any connection issues, please reach out to
Stop by for Hacksburg's weekly business meeting and open work session - a great time to meet members and get a tour of the space.
What is Hacksburg?
Hacksburg is a makerspace (also known as a hackerspace), a community workshop for making things from rockets to robots to rocking chairs. Open 24/7 to members we offer a noise-tolerant space with tools and equipment and a knowledgeable community to help you out with learning new skills or bouncing project ideas off of. If you always wanted to make something on your own, but didn't have the space, the tools, or the expertise to do it, we're your resource.
Hacksburg is located at 1872 Pratt Drive in Suite 1620 in Blacksburg, VA within the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center.
For more information, visit: or
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