College Baseball: Kansas State vs. Virginia Tech
Venue: English Field, Blacksburg
Directions: Google Map Link
Organizations: Virginia Tech Baseball Team
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Event Types: Sports
Cost: Free
Watch the Virginia Tech Baseball Team compete against non-conference opponent Kansas State on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at English Field.
There is no admission cost for non-conference baseball games.
In efforts to improve the flow and speed of transactions, English Field concession stands will move to cashless payment this season and will require a debit or credit card for purchase.
Gates and ticket booths at English Field will open 90 minutes before first pitch on gamedays.
Fans accessing English Field on gameday are encouraged to use free parking in Lot 16 ("The Cage"), located northwest of the stadium along Duck Pond Drive.
To view all the 2022 baseball gameday features and rules, visit:
Due to the outdoor nature of this event, we encourage you to visit the website linked below or contact the university to ensure the event has not been postponed or cancelled due to weather conditions.
Note: The start time has switched from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
For more information, visit: or or
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