General Trivia Night
Venue: Moon Hollow Brewing, Blacksburg
Directions: Google Map Link
Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Event Types: Miscellaneous
Cost: Free
Moon Hollow Brewing presents a General Trivia Night on Thursday, May 19, 2022.
There are three rounds with around eight questions each. Each round will have 2 different categories, a little something for everyone!
There is no limit to group size, but participation is limited to seating at Moon Hollow.
It is free to participate and the winning team will receive a prize.
Feel free to bring your own chair to hang in the grass.
NOTE: Queen's Vegan Pop Up will no longer be in attendance.
Arrive at least 15 minutes earlier to get ready.
For more information, visit: or or call 540-505-2293.
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