Cocktails & Comedy with Headliner Winston Hodges
Venue: Bull & Bones Brewhaus & Grill, Blacksburg
Organizations: Winston Hodges
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 PM
Event Types: Speaking Engagements
Cost: $10.00
Comedians Gone Rogue presents Cocktails & Comedy with Headliner Winston Hodges on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at Bull & Bones Brewhaus & Grill.

Get ready for a powerful night of comedy with headliner Winston Hodges and other talented comics. Host Katherine Rogue will be joined by Andrew Gustafson, Michael Mandzak and Stacey Axler.

Winston Hodges is from DC by way of Richmond, VA. He's toured all over the East Coast showcasing his southern charm and edgy wit. Winston's unique style of stage work means that each show will be engaging and unique.

His videos have been viewed over a combined 16 million times online. He hosts the Dog Name podcast, his award winning special Grieving Productively is available on YouTube and his label debut album "Already Aware" is available on Apple, Spotify and Amazon. He recently taped a set for "Don’t Tell Comedy"!


The show will also have a unique cocktail menu created by Robbie Hockett made with local JH Bards spirits.

The cover is $10.00 per person.

For ages 18 & up.

Bull & Bones Brewhaus & Grill is located at 1470 South Main Street, Suite 120 in Blacksburg, VA.

To view the event flyer, visit:

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For more information on Bull & Bones, visit: or or or call 540-953-2855.
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