Farmer Listening Session
Venue: Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg
Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Event Types: Miscellaneous, Speaking Engagements
Cost: Free
Virginia Association for Biological Farming presents a Farmer Listening Session on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at Rising Silo Farm Brewery in Blacksburg, VA.

This event for farmers, including farm owners, farm managers, those wanting to establish a farm business and farm employees.

Please join us for conversations about challenges, concerns, and ideas to improve our food and agricultural system and to better support your farm. Feedback from this event will shape VABF's program planning, be shared with our grantors, and guide our advocacy efforts to make sure that we're working for what matters to you.

Food and beverages will be provided.

Admission is free though please register in advance.

To register, visit:!event/register/2024/12/4/farmer-listening-session-at-rising-silo-brewery-blacksburg.

Rising Silo Farm Brewery is located at 2351 Glade Road in Blacksburg, VA.

To view the event flyer, visit:

For more information, visit:!event/2024/12/4/farmer-listening-session-at-rising-silo-brewery-blacksburg or or
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