Find the Events and Specials that Pertain to You:
If this is your first time on NextThreeDays or you are having trouble finding the events and specials that interest you, this will help. NextThreeDays offers
a variety of filter options so you can view only the event types that interest you in the locations you want to visit. Complete the two-step process to find your events.
If you have any questions, please let us know at via e-mail: or through our Feedback Form.
Step 1: Select Your Event Types:
Directions: Select All Event Types that Apply.Arts & Theatre (Events such as plays, movies, art exhibits & openings and dance)
Business Related (Events such as business classes or lectures, entrepreneur related, or chamber of commerce or other business organization functions)
Charity (Events that are for or benefit charitable causes)
Class (Events that are workshops or classes (physical fitness, learning, etc.))
Drink Specials (Events and specials related to drink deals or events serving alcohol)
Family Friendly (Events and specials that are geared towards families and children)
Food (Events and specials related to food deals or events that serve food)
Miscellaneous (Events that are not covered under the other event types)
Music (Events related to live music)
Speaking Engagements (Events devoted to the spoken word such as lectures, comedy routines and classes.)
Sports (Events related to sports. If it's on ESPN or another sporting channel, we consider it a sport.)
STEM Events (Events related to STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math))