Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech (Collegiate Club)


The Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech consists of a group of dancers (students and non-students alike) who all love to tap. We enjoy all styles and levels of tap and try to provide a wide range of music in our performances.

The Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech was re-founded in the Spring of 2007. Since then we have created the event the Tap Extravaganza which is held each spring where dance organizations on and off the campus perform tap dances as well as other forms of dance.

Facebook Link for Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech

The Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech event list will continue to be updated as new events are submitted by the organization, added by our staff or submitted by you, our site visitors. Please let us know if you have any events that need to be added or feel free to Submit Your Event directly on NextThreeDays.

There are no current, active events to display for Tap Ensemble at Virginia Tech. Please check back soon or contact the organization and ask them to list their events on NextThreeDays.com.